Our 120-hour International TEFL course in Madrid is ideal if you are looking to work and travel abroad. Come and join us in Madrid to train to become a TEFL English teacher and open doors to a future career working abroad.
Get your TEFL Certificate
Over 17 years training teachers
990 €
Over 40 own schools in Spain
Over 300 teachers hired per year
But, what is TEFL? TEFL stands for Teach English as a Foreign Language, usually in countries where English isn’t the native language. Whether you’re looking for TEFL jobs in Spain or teaching jobs abroad, our TEFL course in Madrid will provide you with all the skills and training needed to become an effective English teacher.
Course features:
Our courses proactively engage students to put new knowledge into practice and to assess their own progress.
4-week intensive TEFL course in Madrid.
120 hours of class following approved accreditation methods and techniques.
Observed teaching and feedback
Guaranteed full-time job offer for top graduates at The Green Monkey in Madrid.
Help for non-EU passport holders. We will advise you on how to get a one year working visa.
Support finding accommodation either in shared accommodation or in your very own apartment.